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FS: Perfect cel from MAYUKA's "final scene" (Tenchi Movie 2) (Tue May 11 17:58:59 2004 )
sovereign [View profile ]

*spoiler alert*

shown below is a perfect cel from Mayuka's death 
scene in the second Tenchi movie. you may never 
find a more perfect cel from this sequence, it's 
a Mayuka fan's delight. I haven't really ever 
collected Tenchi cels, but I loved the colors so 
much so I kept it for years. I think it's time to 
pass it onto someone who will appreciate it more 
though. cel is movie sized and comes w/o sketch.

Asking Price: $180
if no takers in a week will accept best offer.


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Message thread :
  • FS: Perfect cel from MAYUKA's "final scene" (Tenchi Movie 2) - sovereign (11 May 17h58)

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