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Oh, every now and then... (Tue May 18 15:46:34 2004 )
saxxydiva -nli [View profile ]

I just haven't bought many cels lately, because 
I rarely buy cels now unless I absolutely love 
them.  When I started collecting I really only 
wanted one or two cels of each of the girls, and 
now I pretty much have that.  (Of course, I'm 
not immune to going a little overboard with my 
favorites and/or really awesome scenes, as 
evidenced by all the cels of Neptune...)

Heh--and my recent fascination with all things 
Manolo Blahnik has decreased the cel collecting 
fund somewhat.  ^^;

That's all right, I still love my cels.  I don't 
ever plan on moving on from collecting entirely, 
even if I end up going for a few months without 
buying anything.

Nice to see so many others are still here!

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