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Cel storage thoughts and advice needed (Fri May 14 04:20:17 2004 )
tt [View profile ]

Is any plastic consider archive safe?  I notice 
that some people say their cel bags/boxes are 
archive safe so does that mean there is plastic 
bags/boxes that are not?  I always thought 
plastic is plastic but of course I can be wrong 
consider you can never really tell by just 
looking at the bag?  For all I know they can be 
just adjective words similar to the word "clear".

In addition, I recently bought a box 12 x 16 that 
I was planning to house some of my cels 
considering the cel book didn't fit them.  How 
ever it mention that it would cause a airtight 
seal for a period of time (it's true use is 
actually for housing the paint to prevent it from 
drying).  Would this be bad for my cels 
considering I read somewhere that the cels 
themselves release fumes.  So it is possible that 
the air that may be trapped in this box can in 
fact be eating away at my cel.  or is it actully 
better since it delays the deteriation of the cel 
in the aging process.

Any thoughts?

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