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Cels on eBay: FY TV (ending today), Jubei, AnC (Wed May 19 16:42:01 2004 )
Lady Brick (nli) [View profile ]

I have a bunch of cels lited on eBay.  Cels 
include a FY TV cel of Miaka during the Evil 
Tamahome arc and a TV genga of Miaka ending in 
half a day, a lot of two Jubei-chan cels (a 
really nice face shot of Jiyu/Jubei and one of 
Bantaro and the Ruffians) and two primo cels 
from AnC listed at buy out prices (SD Yuuhi from 
episode 3 and one of the best Alec cels I've 
seen)  Please take a look at link above ^^

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Message thread :
  • Cels on eBay: FY TV (ending today), Jubei, AnC - Lady Brick (nli) (19 May 16h42)

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