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A CCS "Second Chance" (Fri May 21 03:44:28 2004 )
8ensei nli [View profile ]


This pan cel went up on eBay in June 2001, and I 
just didn't have the funds to compete for it, 
though I lovingly downloaded the scanned image so 
I could look at it every so often and dream.  
Fourteen months later the buyer put it up for 
sale privately, and, to my amazement, I had the 
money to get it.  But when I read the 
announcement, it had already been up for a couple 
of hours.  So I assumed that it was long gone, 
logged off, and went downstairs to do chores.  In 
the middle of the chores, I said, "Ya dam' fool!" 
and dropped everything to dash upstairs, log on 
again, and put in my order.  And so...  

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