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YES! (Tue May 25 17:12:54 2004 )
Almathea [View profile ]



As I also live in Europe I know many good places!
Well most of the shops are not so interesting 
(though I have really friendly contacts with 
most of them). If you want some addresses, 
please contact me!
For cel dealers... Hmm, I don't know any. Only 
private collectors like myself selling some of 
their stuff from time to time.
BUT, there are many mangas conventions in Europe 
where you can also find cels and sometimes for 
very nice prices. Most of them are held in 
october. By example, in Paris you hace the 
Cartoonist and Japan Expo. in Belgium you have 
the FACTS Convention (I'd recommand you this one 
as the atmosphere is really nice and i met a lot 
of people collecting cels).
I should normally work with the Belgian mangas 
shop Dragon Toys in fall and I strongly intend 
to make them developp cels.
So you see we're not so... prehistorical! LOL

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