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Nearly everything for sale - even some of my prized cels ;_; (Thu May 27 20:58:18 2004 )
jINx_x [View profile ]

I've come to the conclusion that I can't afford 
this hobby anymore.  I have held off on a lot of 
life choices because I simply didn't have the 
money.  I think now it's time to let go of some 
of my collection and try to get caught up again.

Nearly EVERYTHING is available with a price tag 
or a "for offer" under it.  Things marked NFS 
are going to be a lot tougher for me to let go 
of because I paid a lot for them.  Any offers 
MUST reach what I paid, no exceptions.  

ANFS will not be for sale.  Ever.

Everything with price tags, as painful as it is, 
is marked considerably lower than what I paid, 
with a few (very few) at what I paid.  The only 
exception was a recent Escaflowne purchase, 
which is explained in that section.

email me with any questions you have at 
jinx@jcrave.com.  Best offer gets the cel - no 
waiting period.  If I think your offer is good, 
it's yours.  


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