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Re: Bumper sticker amusement. . . ^_^ (Fri May 28 19:01:27 2004 )
spinizuey nli [View profile ]

Hehe.. that is such an appropriate bumper sticker for a jeep ;)

I haven't seen any that immediately remind me of anime 
characters, but one of my favorites was:


It's simple black bold type on a white background... ahh.. I still 
find that insanely, funny. So i'm easily amused.

I do have quite a few bumper stickers on my car. I 
actually see people reading them all the time. It makes my day 
when people can smile/giggle/laugh at my bumper stickers.

My bumper sticker phrases:

"Therapy is expensive, poppin' bubble wrap is cheap - you 

"I poke badgers with spoons"

"I throw peanuts at old ladies"

"Rock is dead. Long live paper and scissors"

"Worst sticker ever"

"Animals taste good"

Glad I could share something so fun. Wish I had a cel to show. 
Oh well.

The easily and perpetually amused,

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