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21 Cels up For Sale/Offers CCS, SM, DBZ, ANC (Fri Jun 4 07:42:06 2004
Tara-san [View profile
Hi All!!
::bangs head into computer:: "Why God...Why do
wishlist cels come up?" ::cries:: ::looks
up:: ::everyone staring strangely::
::scratches head:: sorry I didnt know you were
here! lol
As you saw above a wishlist cel of mine has come
up and I need to fit the bill or lose it (that
wont happen... runs into sisters room to steal
cels) (alarm alarm...I tell you the mouse traps
she's got set up in there are horrid!) Well I
have a total of 21 Cels/Dougas up for sale/offer.
Please dont be shy to make an offer, remember, I
am somewhat desperate, but dont insult me either
lol you all know! Some of my sister's cels are
have snuck there way into the page as well... I
have no idea how that happened...lol...
::looks up:: ::Sister running after me with
frying pan::
No she did actually offer to help I wouldnt do
that to her ::Tanya glares at me:: REALLY I
wounldnt!! jeez! Well guys enough of my crap! Go
check out the page...
oh and thanks I appreciate all of you! *runs
again into booby trapped sister's room:: ::comes
back full of mouse traps:: ::cries:: ::goes to
look at dream cel::
Much appreciated all!!
*kisskiss* I love you all!!!
Message thread :
- 21 Cels up For Sale/Offers CCS, SM, DBZ, ANC - Tara-san (04 Jun 07h42)