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FA >> TONS OF CELS! AnC, Green Legend Ran, Tenchi Muyo, Tennimon & Wedding Peach >> (Wed Jun 9 05:23:08 2004 )
haruna.of.jurai [View profile ]


well i'm cutting down to what i absolutely must 
keep, because a lot of the things i've bought 
lately have been impulse purchases, and i can't 
continue to collect like that because i won't 
have money to stay in the hobby if i do.  so 
there are many very nice cels that i have 
normally declined offers on up on eBay right now 

Ayashi No Ceres (Aki, Chidori, Ceres transformed)
Green Legend Ran (Aira)
Tenchi Muyo (Older Tenchi, Yosho, Haruna)
Tenshi ni Narumon (Natsumi, Papa, Noelle, Teddy)
Wedding Peach (the remainder of what wasn't sold)

if there is anything in my gallery that you've 
had your eye on now is the time to let me know;  
it will go down soon and it will be back online 
sometime within the next few months with some 
larger recent purchases and some older things 
that i never scanned for reasons known and others 
for reasons unknown.  i will combine shipping for 
the eBay auctions, just in case anyone was 
wondering.  thanks again!


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