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Started strong but fizzled quickly halfway through... Fanime, however... (Tue Jun 8 16:41:26 2004 )
PMX attendee #246 [View profile ]

TMR and Nami Tamaki were the real showcase of the 
event; probably half the attendees appeared just 
because of them.  The concert was a very slick 
and professional production.  Tamaki is a prodigy 
at 15 years old, singing and dancing through 6 
songs without a break, and performing her 
choreographed moves with her dancers without 
missing a note.  TMR rocked the house; although 
I'm not their biggest fan, you couldn't deny 
Takanori Nishikawa's energy and 110% effort.  You 
couldn't help but cheer for their 1-1/2 hour 
set.  Although the Friday concert wasn't 
officially a part of the convention, it was a 
bargain for what you paid in admission.

Saturday featured panels with TMR and Tamaki, so 
the energy was just as great on that day.  The 
image rock bands were also present and 
performing.  Autograph and concert lines were 
insane.  Cosplay was also in full force and 
everything seemed to be clicking.

Sunday featured the anime/manga people, and there 
was a noticeable drop in attendance.  Obviously, 
a lot of the Saturday attendees paid for only 1 
day, as they cared only about the musical acts.  
Far less cosplay and less energy overall.  I 
noticed that the parking lots were already pretty 
empty by the late afternoon.

Monday was pretty much dead.  I should mention 
that the dealer's room was pretty small (not many 
booths) and most of the vendors I spoke to 
(particular cel dealers) remarked that business 
fell very short of their expectations... and this 
was for the entire weekend.

So apparently PMX attracted more of the Jpop 
crowd rather than the anime/manga crowd.

On the flip side, Fanime (which ran the same 
weekend) broke new attendance records, despite 
having to compete with PMX.  There is an article you can read about it all.

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Message thread :
  • How was PMX? - Jason K (08 Jun 08h46)
    • Started strong but fizzled quickly halfway through... Fanime, however... - PMX attendee #246 (08 Jun 16h41)
    • Re: How was PMX? - spoon (nli) (09 Jun 01h43)

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