Hello all! I know i've been quite absent lately, but i can
only focus my fandom on one thing at a time ^^;
I have been working on redoing my gallery for the past
several months and the one linked at my domain is
really REALLY outdated. So don't go to my website to
find this link:
It isn't finished as far as links to larger cel pages goes,
and some things might be off - but all the cels and
sketches I own are up.
Almost everything is up for offers. The cels marked with a
diamond are wishlist cels and would be harder to part with. I
have 3 cels framed that won't leave (the van w/wings, hoto/
boushin, shido eyesclosed from ep12). There are also some gift
cels - but I'll answer those if someone asks for them.
If there has been anything you've been eyeing in my gallery -
now is the time to offer. i know everyone says that line, but if
you know me, you know I rarely do anything like this. I'm pretty
serious right now. Offer away! The worst that can happen is I say
Shipping for normal sized cels and sketches would be $6 (which
included insurance) for US only. Some larger cels will have
additional shipping costs - but not by much.
I accept PAYPAL and money order.
So go here: http://www.spinizuey.com/2004index.html
a> and enjoy. Please email me here for offers:
spinizuey AT aol dot com
(if you can't figure that out, then xP )
~Tara |