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**** Looking for a certain NW fan... (or two) (Sun Jun 27 02:02:40 2004 )
spinizuey nli [View profile ]


Ok, this is REALLY embarassing. ^^; However, I
have to make sure.

The other day when I started my offers period, one
of my NW friends emailed offering on the ep.12
riho/shido grave cel. Could you please email me
back? I have a feeling I know WHO it is, but there
are honestly 2 NW friends who email me quite
regularly about NW cels and I want to make sure I
email the right one back.

(btw, I did respond to you - however I deleted the
email :/ )

Also, (could be the same person, probably not
though), could the person who wanted my ep.9 group
NW cel email me? I told you before that I'd let
you know if I sold it, however I don't remember
the correct email. etc.etc.

Like i said, this is embarassing. But I don't want
to make any mistakes. Plus I lost all shame like,
a decade ago. 

Hope to hear from you soon!

(P.S. If you're just another NW fan who read this
post and neither of the above things applies to
you - you might want to keep your eyes peeled on
ebay because a whole BUNCH of (relatively) nice NW
cels will be available soon!. )


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Message thread :
  • **** Looking for a certain NW fan... (or two) - spinizuey nli (27 Jun 02h02)

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