Hi everyone,
I know I have been quiet on my site lately.
I apologize for that.
This message is for people who have pending
orders through me and anyone else who is
wondering why I have been so quiet.
Unfortunately, I have not been able to work on
cels for the past few weeks due to circumstances
beyond reasonable control. My husband and I are
seperating and eventually filing for a divorce.
I have not ignored anyone and I feel incredibly
bad due to the lack of work on cels. I am
letting you guys know so you know what is going
on. Once my husband moves out, I will start up
again on the last orders and winners of my
previous contests cels'.
Thank you all for your patience. Thank you all
for your support. And to those who know me,
thank you for guiding me through the tough times
I have faced these past few years.
If you wish to email me, please do so through my
Thank you again and well wishes