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re: Wishlist cel - The Big One That Got Away (Mon Jul 12 00:17:41 2004 )
eridanus nli [View profile ]

I've got some wishlist cels that I know are going 
to cost too too much, so I'll put them aside for 
this thread.

But there's one cel -- it came up on ebay and was 
the first cel I ever bid on. And would have been 
the first cel I ever collected except in my 
naivete at that time, I thought $120 was far more 
than I'd ever spend on a cel -  I don't know who 
got it; I've yet to see it in anyone's gallery.  
But I often find myself thinking about it and 
kick myself each time, for being too "penny-wise" 
back then.  It's not the most spectacular cel - 
but I still think of it as my "first"!

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