I have seen *several* opening cels of the same
shot from a certain anime. I have come across an
opening cel from a certain serious...and I really
would like to purchase the cel *but* I have seen
almost the exact same cel in other galleries...so
am wondering. I won't name the anime...but
suffice it to say, I can't fathom the same shot
can have so many opening cels. In the
shot/scene, the character isn't moving so why do
they need to make so many cels for that one
shot?? How do you verify the authenticity of the
cel and has anyone heard of fakes/frauds made of
opening cels?
As opening cels are more expensive than most
cels, I wonder if there are people making fakes
of opening cels? If anyone has heard of a series
that has fakes made of opening cels, please let
us know. Thanks.
anon |