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*huggles forum* Sailor Moon ID confirmation please (Thu Jul 15 03:56:43 2004 )
fickle-haruka [View profile ]

I'm happy to have such a wonderful cel, big thanks
to Christy for holding a sale and lots of luck on
my side for this gem. I think its from the end of
Ep. 200, but I couldn't get a scan cap off of my
video file, can anyone match it for me? If its not
200, then please let me know.

And a small show me if anyone has any
sequencemates or cels from the Sailor Moon ep. 200 ^_^

oh I almost forgot a question I had on this cel.
Its labeled A1 end, the "1" is circled, what does
this mean? Also what dos "end" mean...I kinda have
an idea but still not sure.


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