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Ebay Reminder: 3 Days left on Auctions! CCS, Ah! My Goddess, TNN, Outlaw Star and Hamtaro (Wed Jul 14 16:49:33 2004 )
HazelrahFiver nli [View profile ]


Hello, just letting everyone know that my Ebay
Auctions have three days left!  They include:

- Lovely cel of Urd and her Angel from Ah! My Goddess.
- Set of 2 cels from Card Captor Sakura.  One of
Sakura and Meilin, and another of just Meilin.
- Set of 4 genga from Hamtaro containing Hamtaro
and Bijou.
- Set of 5 Tenshi Ni Narumon cels including Silky
with her Halo!
- Cool cel of Gene and Melfina in their ship from
Outlaw Star

Have fun looking and bidding!  Thank you!


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Message thread :
  • Ebay Reminder: 3 Days left on Auctions! CCS, Ah! My Goddess, TNN, Outlaw Star and Hamtaro - HazelrahFiver nli (14 Jul 16h49)

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