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Saiyuki & GTO Update, gallery edited and... a question. (Wed Jul 14 13:05:13 2004 )
ore-sama [View profile ]

Weeeeell, well... my lovely Saiyuki cels arrived 
and ofcourse I have to fill another customs 
refund as I forgot to ask Stephen not to mark 
any value -__-,
Anyways... half of those Saiyuki sketches is for 
offers under my "4 You?" section.

I also rescanned a few ugly scans in GTO, 
Fancels and Misc and added cels to "4 You?" 
which means - offers accepted. 

Also melted a few sections down to one. All my 
Ran cels are now for sale/offers, and there's 
still 12 cels on eBay (username ore-sama).


As for my question... if a dealer is explicitely 
asked to send you THAT version of a software, no 
matter how much Japanese OS is required and no 
matter WHAT it costs, and STILL sends the wrong 
(but right for your PC) version... Is there ANY 
way you can get them to provide you with an 
upgrade so you can turn the wrong thing into the 
right thing? I really don't want to send it 
back, pay for more shipping, wait for more 
weeks, get into more customs trouble, etc just 
for 480 additional screentones THIS version is 
Thanks for any help...


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Message thread :
  • Saiyuki & GTO Update, gallery edited and... a question. - ore-sama (14 Jul 13h05)

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