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To the winner of Blushing Zelgadiss from Mandarake (Sat Jul 17 17:51:05 2004 )
ore-sama [View profile ]

Hi, my fearsome opponent :) I fought a tough war 
but I lost. Can't be helped.

I'd like to ask you if you'd send me a big scan 
once you got it. Just for my personal 
enjoyment ;__; I wanted that cel for a 
loooooooong time, like, 4 years? Too bad, with 
my b-day coming up and all, oh the money... 
Also, I'd offer $15 for the permission to have a 
fancel made of it. I would really, really 
cherish it... 

So, congtatulations! You have been the toughest 
bidding opponent I've EVER had.

^_; <--smiling bravely with tears in me eyes..

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Message thread :
  • To the winner of Blushing Zelgadiss from Mandarake - ore-sama (17 Jul 17h51)

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