Well I updated my collection with tons of new
goodies, but decided to get rid of some old
goodies. I'm trying to raise money for a
wishlist cel and my interests are changing when
it comes to shows and characters. I'm trying to
limit what I collect from each show. Here's a
link to the for sale section:
I've added a few new DBZ cels to the mix plus
all my Gundam Wing Cels, YYH cels, CCD cels, and
sailor moons cels. I won't go below $2000 for
the SSJ2 Gohan and the Majin Vegeta. I'm
considering taking offers on some of my HxH cels
from my personal gallery. Here's the URL:
I'm will consider offers on the Kurapica cels
and the Group Cels from that gallery. Gon, Jin,
and Killua are off limits. Just drop me a line
if interested.
Thanks everyone! ^_^
Angela |