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~~~~~ANC Yuuhi w original BG for sale~~~~~~ (Sat Aug 14 21:00:42 2004 )
mouse nli [View profile ]

Hey guys,
my home computer just died, so Im having to raise
quite a bit of money for a new one :(  Id like to
get what I paid for this fellow, but I know how
hard that is to get these days.   175$, or best
offer, but if there is someone who'd like him for
175$, he's yours.  Course, if there's someone
who'd like him for what he cost me, which was
275$, then he's definately yours!  Cel has
original painted bg,and a few sketches as well. 
Shipping will be 8$, paypal much prefered.  Thanks!


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Message thread :
  • ~~~~~ANC Yuuhi w original BG for sale~~~~~~ - mouse nli (14 Aug 21h00)

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