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Indeed... (Wed Aug 11 13:58:14 2004 )
ore-sama [View profile ]

I have one. Not an "ultimate", but a very high-
ranked one. I've wanted it BADLY eversince it 
was listed on YJ for the very first time, and I 
think it may well have been a year or 2. But 
everytime I had the money, I spent it on 
something else... Plus, his scans are so 
hideously yellow that it's hard to imagine the 
actual collors and I didn't want to gamble for 
so much money.
But with my 21. b-day coming up and knowing that 
this time, it'll be a big harvest plus the fact 
that I'm now a landlady, I decided to go for it. 
I made the seller an offer which was 1/4 off the 
original price. He accepted, and not only that, 
he just shipped it out with a bonus without 
waiting for any confirmation or payment from me 
¬__¬' Guess he felt how much I loved that cel :)
That was so nice of him that I just had to draw 
him a piccie ^_^

Anyways, here it is: an expensive and pretty cel 
from a cheap and crappy series, Canary from Lost 


Another 2 "wanted eversince seen on screen" cels 
is coming very soon... same hair color, same 

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