I haven't fully paid it yet. But still, I've
started to lose interest in it over the months
of payment installments.
I found a cel that me heart craves for and since
I've been cel-shopping a lot lately, I'm quite
broke. Also, my favorite cat seems to have some
sort of tumor on her ribcage, and I see an
expensive treatment coming.
Minimum offer is what I'm paying: $275 (half of
my s&h included). For $450, you can buy-it-now.
Whatever I get for it - shipping and handling
will be absolutely free!
I still have to make $150 over to the seller.
Since this is not cheap, I'm fine with 10
instead of my usual 4 days of payment deadline.
Means of payment is PayPal only.
I'm taking offers on it for 3 days from now.
After that I'll ask the seller for permission to
put it on eBay.
Anna |