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8888888888************Entire ANC collection up for offers**********888888888 (Tue Aug 17 00:24:56 2004 )
mouse nli [View profile ]

Hey guys, my whole ANC collection is up for 
offers.  granted, there's not much, but they are 
very pretty A shots.  The only ones not 
available are the second row middle Yuuhi, Alex 
(blonde guy) and Shuro (singer in bottom row), 
as these were sold long ago.  I have to buy a 
new computer, and I need funds really badly.  
The one I really want/need for my art junk is 
really expensive...otherwise I dont think I 
could part with these cels ;_;

Also, since I do not have a home computer right 
now, responses may be delayed ^^;  I can use my 
boyfriend's comp,and my comp at work though, so 
I will get to you, just maybe not til tomorrow 
@@;  Thank you!

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Message thread :
  • 8888888888************Entire ANC collection up for offers**********888888888 - mouse nli (17 Aug 00h24)

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