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Re: Lots of cels for sale (Tue Mar 11 06:08:30 2008 )
jhbf22 [View profile ]

Earlier this year, I had the pleasure of making 
the acquaintance of Mr. Zheng Bijian, Chair of 
the China Reform Forum, who over some decades 
has been a counselor to China' leaders. LOTR GoldWe have spent 
many hours in Beijing and Washington discussing 
China' course of development and Sino-American 
relations. LOTRO 
GoldIt has been my good fortune to get to 
know such a thoughtful man who has helped 
influence, through the Central Party School, the 
outlook of many officials during a time of 
tremendous change for China. 
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This month, in anticipation of President Hu' 
visit to the United States, Mr. Zheng published 
the lead article in Foreign Affairs, "China' 
peaceful Rise?to Great Power Status." This 
evening, LOTR Gold 
I would like to give you a sense of the current 
dialogue between the United States and China by 
sharing my perspective. 
Some 27 years ago, Chinese leaders took a hard 
look at their country and didnMaple Story Mesoslike what they saw. 
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emerging from the Cultural Revolution. Maple Story MesosIt was desperately 
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Seven U.S. presidents of both parties recognized 
this strategic shift and worked to integrate 
China as a full member of the international 
system. Since 1978, the United States has also 
encouraged China' economic development through 
market reforms. 
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Our policy has succeeded remarkably well: the 
dragon emerged and joined the world. Today, from 
the United Nations to the World Trade 
Organization, from agreements on ozone depletion 
to pacts on nuclear weapons, China is a player 
at the table. 
And China has experienced exceptional economic 
growth. Whether in commodities, clothing, 
computers, or capital markets, China' presence 
is felt every day. 
China is big, it is growing, and it will 
influence the world in the years ahead. 
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For the United States and the world, the 
essential question is ?how will China use its 
To answer that question, Rappelz Rupees it is time to take 
our policy beyond opening doors to China' 
membership into the international system: We 
need to urge China to become a responsible 
stakeholder in that system. 
China has a responsibility to strengthen the 
international system that has enabled its 
success. In doing so, China could achieve the 
objective identified by Mr. Zheng: "to transcend 
the traditional ways for great powers to 
emerge." runescape gold
As Secretary Rice has stated, the United States 
welcomes a confident, peaceful, and prosperous 
China, one that appreciates that its growth and 
development depends on constructive connections 
with the rest of the world. Indeed, we hope to 
intensify work with a China that not only 
adjusts to the international rules developed 
over the last century, but also joins us and 
others to address the challenges of the new 
From China' perspective, it would seem that its 
national interest would be much better served by 
working with us to shape the future 
international system. 
If it isn’t clear why the United States should 
suggest a cooperative relationship with China, 
consider the alternatives. Buy Rappelz RupeesPicture the wide 
range of global challenges we face in the years 
ahead ?terrorism and extremists exploiting 
Islam, the proliferation of weapons of mass 
destruction, poverty, disease ? Cheap Rappelz Rupeesand ask whether 
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problems if the United States and China were 
cooperating or at odds. 
For fifty years, our policy was to fence in the 
Soviet Union while its own internal 
contradictions undermined it. For thirty years, 
our policy has been to draw out the People' 
Republic of China. dofus kamas As a result, the China 
of today is simply not the Soviet Union of the 
late 1940s: 
It does not seek to spread radical, anti-
American ideologies. 
While not yet democratic, it does not see itself 
in a twilight conflict against democracy around 
the globe. 
While at times mercantilist, it does not see 
itself in a death struggle with capitalism. 
kamas dofusAnd most importantly, 
China does not believe that its future depends 
on overturning the fundamental order of the 
international system. In fact, quite the 
reverse: Chinese leaders have decided that their 
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If the Cold War analogy does not apply, buy Lineage 1 
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at its expense. rs gold Nor would the other powers 
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So if the templates of the past do not fit, how 
should we view China at the dawn of the 21st 
Century? L1 
On both sides, there is a gulf in perceptions. 
goldThe overwhelming priority of China' 
senior officials is to develop and modernize a 
China that still faces enormous internal 
challenges. While proud of their 
accomplishments, China' leaders recognize their 
country' perceived weaknesses, its rural 
poverty, and the challenges of political and 
social change. Two-thirds of China' population ?
nearly 900 million people ?are in poor rural 
areas, living mostly as subsistence farmers, and 
200 million Chinese live on less than a dollar a 
day. In China, economic growth is seen as an 
internal imperative, not as a challenge to the 
United States. 

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