Wow, its been a loooong time since I last got a
chance to post here. ^^;
Anyway, I need to thin out my collection some and
raise some funds for upcoming expenses. I've
decided to consider selling my lone Kurama cel
from YYH since I'm not actively collecting that
series. However, its been literally years since I
acquired that cel so I'm not really sure what its
worth these days. I originally traded a rather
valuable cel for back in, oh... '98 or '99 so
thats the only measure I have to go by.
Cel image can be found at:
So, please feel free to drop me a line if you're
interested in offering on it or can at least give
me a heads up as to the current market value of
it. ^^
It may eventually go to eBay but I'd much rather
post it up here first amongst collectors I know.
Email me >> as I rarely have
time to check this board.
- Debbye