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Re: no, actually... (Mon Aug 30 12:09:15 2004 )
starfighter319 (nli) [View profile ]

I must say I thought you wouldn't post but since 
you did I have to say since you don't want the 
neo-queen cel I no longer have a want for this 
sketch  . Well fan art can be of an existing 
character or a made up character These angels are 
made up. As for this being scrap art I think I 
should read to you a little bit from the back of 
the sketch.  She goes on to say this is nothing 
fantastic but I would like you to have it this 
has always been one of my favorites. She goes on 
to say she doesn't know why but she tells me to 
enjoy the piece. Considering these are her words 
on the back of this sketch that it was art not 
scrap or she would have destroyed it. (if anyone 
wants to know what my point was  post here and I 
will gladly explain)

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