As some of you know, I'm an animation major at CalArts. I'm
gearing up to work on my next film and I'm looking for some
settei material for research. The problem is that I'm sick of
bidding horrendous amounts on YJ because I'm competing with
collectors. -_- I want these things for artistic inspiration, not
collectability. The last thing I care about is original notes and
SO!-- I'm looking for those of you who might have settei from
ANY Leiji Matsumoto titles, especially the more recent ones like
Cosmo Warrior Zero or Interstella 5555. Am also looking for
backgrounds/layouts/mecha from Steam Boy and settei from
Gunnm/Battle Angel.
I will pay you the price of photocopies and shipping, plus $15
for your time. Just copy these things for me. I'm not looking to
display any of these in my gallerie, I just want them to study for
my animation. Reselling will NOT be an issue, and you'll make a
new friend. ^_^
If anyone can help, please email me at the address above
(remove the NOSPAM, of course).
Thanks so much in advance!
Izobel |