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MKR sketches and TnN update (Fri Sep 3 19:11:48 2004 )
sensei can't li [View profile ]

Just added a bunch of very tasty Hikaru and Umi
sketches to my MKR Sketch corridor, along with the
usual bunch of TnN cels (including "Naked" from
the thread above).  

Also, for those of you near the Hazleton, PA,
area, my campus library is hosting a small
exhibition of sketches and backgrounds from my
collection.  It's not grand (only two cases and an
eyecatcher in the lobby).  But it has some
delights, including the pan background of Sakura's
school from the start of the CCS "Sleeping Beauty"
episode and the very sexy MKR pan genga of
Princess Emeraude (now thankfully almost free from
the ugly tape stain).  

Stop by and have a look if you're anywhere in the
area (we're just off I-81) and if I'm not in class
I'll say howdy as well. 

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Message thread :
  • MKR sketches and TnN update - sensei can't li (03 Sep 19h11)

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