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Since you found this forum, look at the online stores in tracking (Thu Sep 2 16:57:31 2004 )
KaoriAndroide [View profile ]

Depending on the quality of the cel you may want 
to increase your spending budget,that is if you 
are including cels of Hotaru & Setsuna in your 
search. Unless it was a cel of the knee or simply 
a cel in very bad condition.

Since you found the forum, just go to 
the "tracking" part which keeps you posted on 
online cel stores updates. Shop around those 
sites, there's some good deals here and there. 

This is a "collectors" forum, so they are 
collecting... if they want to sell something they 
usually post an announcement or simply list them 
on ebay.

Also you may want to start shopping on Yahoo 
Japan auctions using a deputy service. Sometimes 
you can get a real catch for not too much money.

Good luck with your hunt!
Kaori Androide Gallery

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