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Re: ! ! ! ! ! (Sun Sep 12 22:56:26 2004 )
nesuferit nli [View profile ]

Don't let it get to you so much Oliver, they
really aren't worth all the fuss that comes from
just the mention of their name.  I have bought
from them once and quite frankly it was on the
list of one of my worst cel purchasing
experiences.  After you manage to buy/win the cel
their communication with you is very slow to
almost non-existant and their shipping is even
worse than that.  

I don't understand why Animefolkes had to post
this message here.  If it was only directed to
your friends why didn't you fwd a message through
email.  If you no longer have their address you
could have made your message a little more vague,
after all this is a public forum so don't be
surprised that people here are little irritated. 
This is also Animefolkes first post under that
handle, so it leads me to believe this was just a
topic to start something..

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