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Does anyone have ony of these cels (Sat Sep 18 16:49:27 2004 )
T-baa [View profile ]


I have been browsing around for quite some time 
now and NEED to get down to buying some cels.

Does snone have:
1. A vampire princess miyu cel (miyu herself)
2. A pretty sammy or tenchi cel with the cabbit 
in the cel (Ryo-oh-ki is it? I am not a good 
3. A vesves cel! They have cere cere (oh does 
anyone have any cerecere cels!) and palla palla 
nad junjuh but theres hardly any vesves cels! 
4. And lastly a cat from sailor moon, diana would 
be great or a cute one of artemus or luna. 

Thanks, Natasha/T-baa xxx

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