We've been asked about this cel numerous times in
the past, but unfortunately we cannot locate all
of the messages we've received, so... we're
placing this cel for sale via a sort of silent
auction as part of our ongoing efforts to trim our
collection a little bit.
here to see the cel
Cel Details: It's a very nice key end setup
(with original matching BG) from Slam Dunk. It
appears to be a 2-layer oversized (approx. 15" x
11") cel--our scan's crop is much smaller than the
actual cel. Sequence #: A1End, B12End. No
sketches. Cel has been kept from sticking via a
thin sheet of plastic placed between the cel and
BG, but was stuck at some point because there is
some light damage to the BG behind the cel.
Absolute minimum offer: $50.
How the auction will work: We will accept
offers on this cel for one week starting now.
Offer period closes at 4pm Pacific Standard Time
next Tuesday (Feb. 2, 2010). To make an offer,
please email or PM your offer along with your name
and email address (Emails accepted via the contact
form on our web site or Rubberslug feedback form).
Maximum acceptable offer received in this time
frame will "win". Offers received first will take
priority (e.g. if two people offer the same
amount, the first one received takes priority).
I will try to post the highest offer received
periodically throughout the week along with the
high bidder's initials (taken from name provided).
Thanks for looking! |