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Re: Re: Re: Question about cels experiencing fading in frames (Thu Jan 28 20:30:48 2010 )
skyrat [View profile ]

Yeah… cels were really made more as a means to 
an end than as items to last, so unfortunately 
the lines fade very easily. I had the exact same 
experience thinking it would be okay to frame so 
long as you used the right type of protective 
glass, and kept it in a room with the blinds 
drawn so there was no direct light, but it 
wasn’t enough….

Strathmore makes art-quality paper that can be 
used with computer printers…I printed a cel scan 
out on some of their glossy computer paper and 
once in the frame the print looked good enough 
that it is hard to tell apart from the original. 
I’ve gotten a lot of enjoyment out of looking at 
the print without any risk to the real cel…

Other people might have had better experiences 
with framing, but I personally wouldn’t take the 
risk again because it is extremely easy to 
damage them. 

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