By my best knowledge (and those knowing more,
please correct me!) the "apostrophe" you see by
your cel's sequence number would be said "prime".
As in "E1prime". It seems to be used to indicate
images in a sequence that are secondary to other
Since it's much easier to *show* this than try to
explain it, here is a cel of mine with a prime
(hoping all these pictures come out):
In the scene, the characters pull up and then
hold still as a helicopter with searchlight moves
overhead, changing only the shadowing, not the
main image. The cel is *single* layer, marked
only as B7. The sketch, of only the shadowing, is
marked B7prime. Though I don't have the sketch
for the main image, I suspect that it is marked
to be used with multiple sequence numbers (for
example, "B5-B8" or "B5-8") and was reused in
combination with the prime layers to create the
images with the different shadowing. Hence you
would have a sequence that looked like this
(using my hypothetical sequence numbers from
above): B1, B2, B3, B4, B5-8 + B5', B5-8 + B6',
B5-8 + B7', B5-8 + B8', B9end.
(The fact that this cel does NOT have the sketch
of the main image actually supports my theory,
since it is VERY rare for Psychic Force cels to
come without sketches -- unless the sketch was
reused and is thus with another cel it matches.)
I have seen another use for the prime notation,
again in Psychic Force, where it seems to have
been used to notate a change in the animation. In
this sequence:
The layout of the layers is as follows: (left
hand cel) Keith and the bed, the bandages,
Keith's eyes, and (right hand cel) Keith plus his
eyes and the bed, the bandages. Keith and the bed
are the A layers, while his eyes are the B layer
at the beginning of the sequence. However, the
layer of bandages is between the A and B layers
(where there shouldn't be a layer). The bandage
layers are all marked as prime to the A layer.
They were obviously added after the rest of the
layers of the sequence were painted.
To support my theory, the A layers are animated
with a scar on Keith's shoulder which is never
seen in the anime (being under the bandages). The
only reason to have painted it there is that it
was *originally* meant to be seen. . . until the
bandages were added. However, although a separate
layer and supposed to lay directly over the A
layer, the bandages couldn't be made the B layer
since the eyes were already the B layer. (If made
the C layer, it would be assumed that the bandage
layers should go over the layer for the eyes, not
between the Keith and eyes layers.) Thus they are
prime (additions) to the A layer. For everyone's
amusement, the scars:
(These cels have never been scanned without the
bandage layers, so this is a bit of a treat. ^_^)
I hope this makes some bit of sense. I'm not
completely clear on the use (all the uses) of
prime layers myself, so I could be a little off,
but this has been my experience with them. I wish
I could remember off hand more of my cels with
prime layers or sketches, because I *know* I have
more. These were the only two that sprang
immediately to mind, though.
That said, I'm not sure how your cel might be a
prime, but am also unfamiliar with Card Captor
Sakura and don't know how it was animated. In the
end, it's an absolutely gorgeous cel of her in
the Kitty costume! (My second favorite that I've
seen. ^_^)
Many Sharp Smiles,