Especially directed at Almathea and Joost ^____^
(and you better still have that Nakago ;__;)
(small hint to those who dunno what I'm talking
about: biggest con in the BeNeLux, and big
enough to bust anyone's wallet, taking place in
Gent, Citadelpark, mangaka signing, fantasy
collectibles allover,...)
I'll be there on Saturday, and I'll be there
early to avoid any queing. By the way, if you
come cosplaying, entry is free (or was it 50%
off?). I'll just "cosplay" as myself, black
leather coat, black pants or black/red skirt and
a black/red bondage shirt. Black/red pigweels
bagpack. Red har, and I'm quite a large
horizontal pancel -___- So if any local fellow
collectors wanna meet up with me, watch out for
large black&red^^
And I sure hope you bring your cels as I'm
dragging mine along :)
's anyone know about specific cel dealers like
Kamyahouse or Anime-something from France?
If anyone's interesteed in meeting or travelling
together, call me at 0472/516651, especially if
you're driving ^__~
More info on the con:
See you there^^