The cel vendors at conventions are nine times out
of ten going to be the cel vendors you see
online. ^_~ Try a larger anime convention in your
area--- they have a larger likelihood of having
cel vendors present.
Trying for a con next month isn't practical,
though. The major con season tends to be late
spring through early fall... Oni-con is next
weekend, but I doubt there will be any cel
vendors there... Itzakon is in November, and most
definitely will not have cels... nothing happens
during December... Ushicon's in January and I
believe there was only one cel vendor last year.
(Those are all Texas cons, and I believe all are
under the 3000-attendee mark.) has a list of
the 2005 con season, where you might be able to
plan ahead further in advance for a large con
near you.
If you do a seach in the archives, there have
been some past posts about cel vendors and
conventions that have been pretty thorough. But
it all boils down to--- don't go to a convention
just for cels, or you'll probably be disappointed
in price, variety, and quality. Go to a
convention because of the anime, because of the
guests, because of the panels, or because of any
of the myriad things that cons have to offer...
but the cel selection is probably not one of
them. ^_^ You're more likely to find better cels
in the private binders of attendees than in the
dealer's room for sale. ^_~ |