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Half of My Collection for Offers For One Week! (Fri Oct 15 08:05:19 2004 )
sovereign (nli) [View profile ]

Until next Friday, October 22nd, I will be 
accepting offers on any of the cels that appear 
on my gallery site. I have taken down my favorite 
cels that I would not sell for the world, to save 
people some grief. The ones that remain up are 
ALL ones that I have decided I can emotionally 
let go of! 

As always, if the offer is tempting enough I can 
sell it immediately. By next Friday if a certain 
cel does not receive an end-all offer, I will 
choose the best offer within reason(meaning $100 
for my Chidori pan = she stays). 

Feel free to ask what I paid for the higher-end 
cels, since those can be difficult to guestimate. 
The lower-end cels I will not comment on price, 
just make up the best offer you can and we'll 
negotiate from there.

Thanks for looking! I hope people aren't afriad 
to offer, remember, I never reply to a polite 
email with a mean answer. ^_^ 


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