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junkjungle.com taking more offers (Fri Oct 15 00:03:39 2004 )
melissa [View profile ]

After having some offers back out I am taking 
more offers.  I swear since I had my daughter 
selling cels does not hurt as much!  (although I 
have not really parted with any marmalade boy 
and that is where it is going to hurt,  always 
thought my sailor moons were going to be the 
hardest to part with but I was wrong!).  I think 
I am going to go put some prices on cels too so 
everyone can have guidelines of about what I 
would want for certain cels.  Also the prices I 
am putting are not completely firm and if you 
buy more than one cel I can definately make 
deals :)

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  • junkjungle.com taking more offers - melissa (15 Oct 00h03)

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