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Wolf's Rain For Sale (Sat Nov 20 01:57:35 2004 )
Goldknight [View profile ]

I know you can't see them on my site, but I have 
a couple sketches from the show as well as a 
settei book.  I just haven't been able to update 
in quite sometime.  I haven't had these very 
long at all, but there are some other sketches 
that I'm trying for right now from another 
show.  Therefore Wolf's Rain is the sacrificial 
lamb here.  heh.  Anyhoo..... I have a sketch of 
Tsume by himself, Tsume holding Cheza, and of 
course the settei book.  If any of these 
interest you then please drop me a line and I 
can e-mail you some pics.  I haven't uploaded 
anything to my site so there's no link to 
check.  These sketches are original production 
sketches.  The settei are animator's copies.  
The settei book has ALL the characters from the 
show including their wolf forms.  I'm asking $50 
for the settei book, $50 for Tsume by himself, 
and $60 for Tsume holding Cheza.  Thanks 
everyone! ^_^

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