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Not mad, just a little peeved... (Wed May 15 21:54:48 2002 )
Misha [View profile ]


...sorry, but that old joke had to be done ^^;;

Anywhoo, Toward the Terra DEFINES mad science...I 
mean, you have your normal, run-of-the-mill mad 
scientist, but when the science that's created 
takes over the scientists and makes them forget 
who created who (it's a whole "chicken or the 
egg?" thing), now THAT'S mad science. A fairly 
common SF plot, but with loverly random elements 
(psychics, for one) thrown in.

Keith here is the product of our little mad 
scientist computer, Mother Eliza (who, in turn, 
is controlled by Earth's main and rather paranoid 
computer, GrandMother). They call him an android, 
in the sense that he's created by science, 
but "test tube baby" would be more appropriate. 
Science creating bishy existential angst...now 
THAT'S mad science.


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