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Re: I second jINx's first idea. . . (Fri May 17 19:42:37 2002 )
aionster [View profile ]

Ya, I think the animanga auctions are a good 
idea, if you want to avoid ebay and allow 
multiple offers.  I usually offer cels on my site 
for a day or two, if no one buys or offers, I 
send it off to ebay- usually about half the stuff 
sells the same day if I post here.  I'd rather 
sell to collectors so I usually try and do the 
auctions as an alternative- sometimes time is a 
factor and they just got to ebay, and I almost 
always do a "buy it now".  It's funny, I think 
about 75% of the stuff I've bought off e-bay is 
buy it now, I simply avoid most other auctions 
because it's stressful and I don't like waiting a 
week to find out if that money is "spent".  

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