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Does anyone know if they released cels from these anime shows? (Fri May 17 02:56:27 2002 )
J-Phenomenon [View profile ]

I would really like to collect some cels from 
each/any of the following anime titles but I 
haven't seen any or barely any of these.  Does 
anyone know if cels were released for the 
following anime:
   1)Samurai Showdown the Motion Picture released 
in the US in 93 (Not the import Samurai Spirits 
focusing on Nakoruru sold on Taro).  
   2)The Eyes of Mars (I recorded it from the sci-
fi Channel 5 years ago). I don't know if it was 
ever released in the US but it was English dubbed 
on Sci-Fi.  Seems to be mid-80s type anime.  
   3)Venus Wars (I've seen only one 1 cel on E-
bay ever). It's about a war on venus, the baddies 
in tanks take over and the only opposition are 
bikers with high tech weapons. 
   4)Video Game anime cels from Xenogears, Lunar, 
Rival Schools, Ghost in the Shell (video game), 
playstation Psychic Force opening, etc.  I've 
heard that the updated Chrono Trigger anime scene 
cels were being/had been sold. 
   5)Are there even anime cels for Amazing Nurse 
Nanako and Zoids?  There's plenty of computer 
produced scenes but aren't the characters cels?


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