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And one more for the road... (Sun May 19 09:13:23 2002 )
Misha [View profile ]


...heck, we have to cleanse the forum, right? 
Here's a nice sketch from a small set I have 
(it's A-1 END, so not many different things in 
there ^^:;) from the last ep of the Mahou Tsukai 
Tai TV series. While I got angry at the series 
because of it's rampant plot holes and disregard 
of the OAV (due to different directing), I still 
enjoy it, despite it's desparate attempts to tie 
up love triangles and pair people up, thus 
heterosexizing Abby-kun. It was still a sweet TV 
series, and I adore Jurika. And I just couldn't 
help but get this sketch, Abby looks so cute with 
that band-aid on his cheek.


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