In my 'net wanderings, I came across a *prequel*
to JoJo's Bizarre Adventure! ^___^ Not many
people may realize, but I'm a big fan of this
anime. The questions I was hoping someone could
answer for me are:
1. How many episodes are in the prequel? I have
six now, but the sixth is obviously not the end
of it.
2. Is it cels or CG? An annoying question, I
know. . . But at the rate current JoJo's cels
show up, if I don't ask then I'll never know! ^_^;
3. Any chance it's about to be released
domestically?? Because I think I *must* have AVIs
of a Hong Kong ripoff. . . Dieties!! These
subtitles are *horrible*. o_0;; And they change
the spellings of the names in every episode.
(Jotaro's name gets put down as something similar
to "Chintardo" most of the time - and that's not
even the worst one! @_@ The only way to keep
track who they're talking about is to listen for
the name in the actual Japanese dialouge.)
Ahhhh. . . But finally I get to see more of
Kakyouin!! ^_^ He's my favorite!! *^_^* So I'm
posting my one and only cel of him here just to
celebrate. ^_^ (I hope it's soon NOT to be my
only one! *big grin*)
Many Sharp Smiles,