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Re: That SOB stole my cel right out from under me!!! (Tue May 21 09:58:31 2002 )
kylaria77 nli [View profile ]


I really wish there were more people out there 
like you. The truth is that when it comes to 
cels, every single one of us is a little 
obsessive, a little jealous, a little greedy, and 
a little selfish. But sometimes it just goes too 
far and spoils collecting. Everyone loves to take 
the high road (like in the above thread), but not 
admit when they've cursed out someone just as 
viciously *perhaps in private or amongst close 
friends only* for beating them to XYZ dream cel.

I've asked for help from people I know who are 
intersted in the same series, and even though I'd 
never in a billion years screw someone out of a 
cel/item if they wanted it more than I did, 
several flat out refused to help me or just plain 
ignored me when I asked for tips or suggestions. 
In one situation, I checked a few sites, and sure 
enough, we were interested in the same cels. But 
instead of talking with me about it, they shut me 
out so they could have first pick of the cels 

I've been known to send emails to people I don't 
even know when I happen to spot a cel that's on 
their wishlist. If I see some anime item someone 
wants or is looking for and I know of the 
best/cheapest place to get it, I'll willingly 
share the information. The only thing more fun 
than collecting anything is having people to 
share it with. Besides, by helping others, you 
increase your own cel karma and the chances that 
you'll get what you want faster or cheaper.

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