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Re: From the content of the "blank" messages, it looks like Yann... (more inside) (Fri May 24 20:48:44 2002 )
timtucker [View profile ]


This is an old trick that I picked up a while 
back (from problems we had with a trouble ticket 
system at work) -- select the message before the 
blank message, hit tab & then hit enter.  This 
allows you to get to a link is still on the page 
but doesn't have any descriptive text.

For those who are interested, here's what showed 
up as the message:

I am archiving the old messages. They will be 
available again in 1 or 2 days.

I am also updating the database software to a new 
version that I just finished coding and that can 
handle many more records and much faster. (I 
currently made some tests with several hundred 
thausend records). But it still mostly 
experimental so...
Also, the new version remove the limitation on 
message length....

Sorry for the few messages I deleted : I need to 
change the format of the db a little more.

Yann Stettler

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