I'm using a computer that doesn't have my email
address book on it, so I can't email everyone --
gotta go the "forum announcement" route!
My inbox lit up like a Christmas tree this morning
thanks to all of your email alerts about "that"
cel appearing on YJ. I also got called on my cell
phone, which I had asked a few people to please do
if they saw something great come up for sale this
week -- but I honestly wasn't sure if anyone would
actually do it! The answer there turned out to be
yes. ^_^ Whoever it was forgot to leave their
*name* on the voice mail message, though, so I
can't thank the caller directly.
Whoever you are, bless you -- without the call, I
probably wouldn't have checked my mail. I'm in the
middle of moving to a new apartment, and my
internet access is brief and erratic. Though I
probably would have seen the cel on my own
eventually, it wouldn't have been in enough time
to make the necessary arrangements, so you saved
my bacon. I've have been heartbroken if I'd missed
my chance at this. I may still not win, but at
least now I can try.
I love this hobby -- even though it can be
competitive, it's almost always amiable
competition. And so many of your fellow collectors
become outright friends! ^_^ Folks don't know what
they're missing if they don't reach out.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, guys! Who'd have
thought I'd ever have a shot at one of these?
To everyone who doesn't know what the heck I'm
talking about, I apologize... You'll see in a few
days, if all goes well. (crosses fingers) Wish me
luck! |