Hello ^^
Thank you for the compliment, but I think you
misunderstand why I posted my cels. I didn't post
my cels to be part of some ongoing competition
of "who has the best cels" or "who has the most
cels". My gallery is mainly for myself to see
what I have, without having to lug all my books
out. I've been neglecting to update more than
once a year in the last couple of years, and some
of my friends from my previous university have
been bothering me to post, along with several
people around here ^_^
Be happy with what cels you have, no matter how
few or what quality each may be. Each cel is
unique and beautiful in its own way, no matter
what series it is from =) There is no such thing
as "best cels in the world" in my book, for such
a determination is whole subjective in the eyes
of the beholder. I have found it is better to
cherish what you have, and not dwell on what you
have not -- otherwise, what you do have will not
be given the admiration it deserves ^^
Thanks again, and TTYL
- Karen |